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Functional Fitness Classes – Fri, Jun 28

By June 21, 2024No Comments


Hey Everyone! We made the top three for best of Denton last year and we are hoping each of you will take the time to vote for us again this year! You can vote daily until mid July.

This simple act helps us reach more people and change more lives. Please consider voting!


Rainbow Illustrated Pride Month Instagram Post (2).webp

The MVMT LAB – Functional Fitness Classes

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3:00 Run, Row, Ski, or Bike


5:00 Coach-led Mobility


Two Rounds of:

10 Steps DB Death March

8 Single DB Hang Snatch e/s

5 Eccentric Pull-up/Ring Row

:15 Beat Swing

B: Primer (No Measure)

One Round of:

:30 Machine Sprint

8 Kettlebell Swing

5 Pull-up

C: Metcon (Time)


4 Rounds for Time

18/14 Cal Bike

12 Kettlebell Swing 44/26#

10 Ring Row


4 Rounds for Time

20/16 Cal Bike

15 Kettlebell Swing 53/35#

8 Pull-up


4 Rounds for Time

24/18 Cal Bike

15 Kettlebell Swing 70/53#

12 Pull-up
Goal: Sub 13:00 (S: Sub 11:00)

Time Cap: 15:00

-Cal Bike should take no more than 1:45, choose accordingly.

-Sets of Pull-up should be completed unbroken or mostly unbroken.


24/18 Cal Bike

-30/24 Cal Row or Ski (L: 15/11 Cal, F: 24/18 )

Coach’s Note: Bike starts may be staggered or split between pairs (one bikes, the other starts on KBS).

D1: DB Pec Fly (3×12-15)

Rest :20-30 between D1&D2.

D2: Kettlebell Gorilla Row (3×8)

Rest :20-30 between D2&D3.



D3: Landmine Lateral Shift (3×6)

Rest 1-1:30 between D3&D1.

-Work to keep hips at or just below knee height.

-R to L to R=1.

– Example