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Functional Fitness Classes – Sat, Jul 6

By June 29, 2024No Comments


Hey Everyone! We made the top three for best of Denton last year and we are hoping each of you will take the time to vote for us again this year! You can vote daily until mid July.

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The MVMT LAB – Functional Fitness Classes

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3:00 Run, Row, Ski, or Bike


3:00 Coach-led Mobility


Two Rounds of:

7 DB Deadlift e/s

7 DB Strict Press e/s

7 Waiter Squat e/w

14 Alt. Lunge

B: Primer (No Measure)

One Round of:

1:00 Mono. Option

4 DB Power Clean

4 DB Goblet Squat

4 DB Push Press

4 DB Lunge

4 Single Arm DB Thruster
-Work is completed by each partner.

-Split single arm movements between sides.

C: Metcon (Time)

For Time, With a Partner

Mono. Option A, B, C, or D Buy-in


50 DB Power Clean 30/20# (F: 40/25#, S: 50/35#)

50 DB Goblet Squat

50 DB Push Press

50 DB Lunge

50 Single Arm DB Thruster


Mono. Option Cash-out
Mono. Options Buy-in/Cash-out:

(A)1500m/750m Row (L: 1200m/600m)

(B)3000m/1500m Bike (L: 2400m/1200m)

(C)1500m/750m Ski (L: 1200m/600m)

(D)1200m/600m Run (L: 960m/480m)

Time Cap: 25:00

-Partners split all work however they choose.

-This is a chipper i.e. do not partition the work (complete in written order).

-All movements are completed with a single dumbbell. Aim to split work between sides as evenly as possible.

D: Midline Accessory (Weight)

3 Rounds for Quality

20 Medball Toss Sit-up

20 Medball Pass Plank
-Partners may hook feet together for the medball pass planks if they choose.

-Partner should be more than arm’s reach distance apart for Medball Pass Plank. Medball should start from beneath the shoulder for each rep, alternating sides as it’s passed back and forth.

-Reps are split between partners.

Scoring: Weight of medball used.