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Functional Fitness Classes – Sat, Jun 29

By June 22, 2024No Comments


Hey Everyone! We made the top three for best of Denton last year and we are hoping each of you will take the time to vote for us again this year! You can vote daily until mid July.

This simple act helps us reach more people and change more lives. Please consider voting!


Rainbow Illustrated Pride Month Instagram Post (2).webp

The MVMT LAB – Functional Fitness Classes


Happy Pride Month to our members and the community at large!

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Coach’s Surprise!

B: Primer (No Measure)

Complete 5 reps of each movement at working variation and weight.

C: Dumbbell Benchmark WODs for PRIDE (Checkmark)

With a Partner for FUN

P- Pride Burpees

One Round of:

50 Star Burpee

(L: 35 reps)

R- Rosa

5 Rounds of:

10 Handstand Push-up

(L: Pike Push-up, F: Box-top Pike Push-up)

400m Run

(L: 200m Run)

I- Ingrid

10 Rounds of:

3 Dbl DB Snatch 40/25#

(L: 25/15#, S: 50/35#)

3 Burpee-over-DB

D- Diane

One Round of:


Dbl DB Deadlift

Handstand Push-up

E- Elizabeth

One Round of:


Dbl DB Clean

Ring Dips

(L: Box Dip, F: Band-assisted Strict Ring Dip)
Rest 1:30 between each piece.

-Partners may split all work however they choose.

-DB weights should be the same for all movements.


200m Run

-250m Row

-200m Ski

-500m Bike