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Functional Fitness Classes – Thu, Jul 25

By July 18, 2024July 19th, 2024No Comments


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The MVMT LAB – Functional Fitness Classes

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3:00 Run, Row, Ski, or Bike


3:00 Coach-led Mobility


Two Rounds of:

10 Steps Bear Crawl

6 Push-up to Side Plank w. Pause

15 Glute Bridge


Turkish Get-up Mechanics Review

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20:00 for Quality

Mono. Option A, B, C, or D

6 Turkish Get-up

30 Russian Twist
Mono. Options :

(A) 600m Run

(B) 750m Row

(C) 1500m Bike

(D) 750m Ski

-Complete this piece at a conversational pace (70% effort) with light to light-moderate weights.

-Mono. Options may change each new round.

-Turkish Get-up are 6 total reps per round. Choose a moderate weight KB.

-Russian Twist are R to L = 1; these may be loaded or unloaded.

C: Accessory (Checkmark)

2-3 Rounds for Quality

8 Prone Shoulder W w. Reach

5 Banded Half-kneeling Thoracic Rotation e/w
Rest as needed.

-Prone Shoulder W w. Reach may be done with a light load.

-Perform Banded Half-kneeling Thoracic Rotation without resistance unless you are able to work through full ROM.